The weekend saw the annual gathering of historic sail ships in Imperia, called Vele d'Epoca. This year we had the opportunity go to out and see the ships under sail, and it was an impressive sight. Not least the three-masted Atlantic, build in 2010 at a cost of $25m, and measuring an impressive 227ft (69m). Unfortunately for us - but not for the sail ships - the wind picked up, so we went back to the marina just after lunch
Saturday was a rare day at sea, as the Med was almost completely calm. In Imperia there is a new super-yacht, with a massive eagle at the bow, so I had to go see that. When at anchor the boat seemed to be magically suspended over the rocks; it really is a very special sensation. The visibility under water was obviously amazing, and the were thousands of cute little fish all around the boat
The two shortest weeks of the year - my summer holiday - has gone. On Saturday we went 10nm east to Cervo, where there is a wonderful view of the city. Sunday we went local to a set of small caves, where the snorkelling is good. Bibi spotted two strange winged fish, that we later identified as Flying Gurnards - common, but rarely seen, and I found a perfect green sea urchin shell at 4meter of water! We have also seen an octopus this year, but I didn't get a good picture
Earlier this year, I took out the 30year fridge from the boat and tried to repair it, with no success. So I bought a portable cool box to replace it, freeing up some space in the cockpit. I will later make some storage units where the old fridge was. I also replaced the original freshwater pump, and the broken tap, so we now have a functioning sink and transom shower. Our mechanical log (speedometer) didn't work, so I replaced it with a GPS version
My summer holiday just started, and we have passed the first heatwave with temperatures in the 35-38 range. We have no plans to travel, because why go anywhere when you live in Liguria? We enjoy being on the boat, and have taken out the paddle board I bought last year. We haven't quite mastered it yet, as you can see from the pictures, but the sea is 28, so it doesn't really matter
It's now so warm that I had to cover my home-made solar panel, as the pool got too hot (34C), and at our house that means only one thing: Boating Season! Mechnically the boat runs perfect now. We've used it quite a lot already this year, and the pictures are from three separate dates/locations. Just yesterday we were out with Maria and Hans Peter snorkelling at Aregai marina, where there was a surprising variety of fish
Our boat was in the yard in Imperia for almost seven weeks for a major engine-out mechanical refurbishment that included engines, outdrives and trim/tilt. We collected her with Birgit last Monday, and she has never run better. Birgit and Mikkel crossed paths at Nice Airport, and during the last weekend of Mikkel's visit we spent most of Saturday on the boat. Mikkel is due to be stationed in Greenland for seven months, so this was the last we'll see of him for a while
It's the last day of my summer holiday and the heat wave has gone - in fact it's going to rain today! We have thoroughly enjoyed our "new" boat, and have been out every other day. With plenty of drinks and a packed lunch, we can spend the whole day on the boat, even if we never sail far from the marina. Here is a selection of picture from different days, different moorings around the coast
Although we did our best to repair the cover that came with the boat, it was neither functional nor pretty or easy to handle. Having a new cover made professionally was going to be expensive, so I thought we'd give it a go ourselves. I bought 10m of coated nylon fabric and we took measurements for the starboard side directly off the boat and mirrored them to port side. It came out quite well: fits snugly and looks very good indeed. Only time will tell how it stands up to rain and wind
If you can't remember that we bought a red two seater rigid sea kayak a couple of years, you are entirely forgiven. We haven't used it much, and now I have put it up for sale. Instead we bought an inflatable stand up paddle board, which is easier to store and much more fun. We haven't quite mastered standing up, but kneeling works fine as does kayak-mode
In the last week temperatures have been the highest we have seen in Costarainera (35deg) and the sea have been really calm ... and warm obviously (26deg). On our last outing on the boat - just west of the habour in Aregai, in front of Santo Stefano al Mare - the water was also clearer than we have ever seen and we found a huge shoal of Damselfish with some Saddled Seabream in between
On Saturday the sea was really calm and wonderful, so we went pass Imperia and up to Cervo in the boat. Both cities are among the most beautiful in Liguria, and no less so from the sea. The water was so incredible clear you could see the seabed regardless of the depth. When we went snorkelling on Sunday the visibility had reduced slightly, but we still saw loads of fish. My holidays starts today, so expect more water-related updates!
We had Mikkel and Eli visiting last week at the end of their summer holiday, and had a lovely day out on the boat on Saturday.
Last weekend we drove the Boxster up north of Ivera to see our friends Daniella and Hans' new house, with some amazing views over the mountains and down towards Torino
The boat has been in the yard for several weeks to get the hull painted and a hydraulic leak fixed. Meanwhile Bibi and I patched up the boat cover and removed the windows, so that it's now serviceable (if not pretty). There is still loads to do, but Sunday the weather was perfect, so we finally got out on the sea and enjoyed a full day on the boat. She goes through the water much better now the underside is clean, and can reach 32knots, showing potential for when the trim is fixed
I used to sail back in Denmark when I was younger, and had a longstanding ambition to own a boat once I retire. I started looking in earnest in the fall of 2022, and now we have just bought a 25 foot Cranchi Clipper 760 called Alexia. She's a 30 year old Italian motor boat with twin Volvo Penta V6 gasoline engines. She - like most things we buy - needs a bit of work, but now we can get out on the water and enjoy ourselves